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Sign up wherever possible, as crèche places are in high demand and waiting lists are long:

  • University of Geneva BIPU (as soon as your new position at UNIGE is confirmed)
  • At the HUG crèche (as soon as your new position at HUG is confirmed)
  • In your commune of residence (as soon as you have an address) in Switzerland (for the City of Geneva, contact BIPE)
  • In associations or private structures, and wherever else you can.

Glossary of terms used in Geneva

EVE Espaces de vie enfantine (crèches) : Nurseries and early learning centres : Childcare facilities staffed by professionals (full-time or part-time with lunch) for toddlers from 4 months old up to school age.

Jardin d’enfants or Kindergartens : Part-time, half-day care in a structure with professionals (no lunch) for toddlers from 1.5 years old up to school age.

Accueillant-e familial-e (ex-mamans de jour) or family nurseries (daycare): Care provided by people in their own homes. These people must be authorized by a dedicated structure (SASAJ). This type of care is sometimes combined with time in day-care centers as part of a family day-care program.

Nanny: A nanny takes care of your child in your own home.

Eco-nursery : regular educational care outdoors (in a forest) for toddlers from 2.5 years old up to school age

RDU : Public and non-profit daycare structures (and many other institutions) apply progressive rates based on family income, using the RDU (revenu déterminant unifié). The RDU is calculated by the tax authorities based on the tax declaration. For people newly arrived in Switzerland, the calculation to determine the applicable rate will be made by the structure concerned in the first year.

For more information :

Organizations offering childcare solutions and/or information

Please note that the following addresses and contacts do not constitute a recommendation of services, particularly for private childcare solutions. The list is not exhaustive.

Public structures

BIPU: University Early Childhood Information Office (in French only but the staff speaks English)

BIPE: City of Geneva Early Childhood Information Office

List of public nurseries in the City of Geneva (in French)

List of kindergartens in Geneva (in French)

List of all childcare facilities in the canton of Geneva (public and private), sorted alphabetically by municipality. (in French)

Family nurseries (Accueillant-e-s Familiale-e-s )

For the city of Geneva please contact the BIPE

For the municipalities Versoix, Collex-Bossy, Genthod, Bellevue, Pregny Chambésy and Le Grand-Saconnex: Supernounou  

For the municipalities  Aire-la-Ville, Avully, Avusy, Bernex, Cartigny, Chancy, Laconnex, Perly-Certoux et Soral :  Le Couffin

Cologny municipality and surrounding area: Koala

Other Geneva municipalities : : AGSC – Association genevoise de structures de coordination de l’accueil familial de jour

Some private facilities (and private schools accepting children under 4)

Please note tha the list is not exhaustive and that most web sites are in French only.

Menthe à l’eau  (in the Champel neighborhood, close to the Faculty of Medicine and the Geneva University Hospital main building)  (bilingual Spanish-French) (Swedish International School of Geneva) (Rudolf Steiner school from 2 years old)

Eco-crèche en forêt (associative structure)

Childcare at your home / nanny

Mary Poppins (022 Families – non-profit organization)

Nanny caring for your child in your home on a regular, long-term basis, the association is the nanny’s employer.

Priorité Enfants: nanny placement agency, you will be the nanny’s employer. This agency can also take care of the administrative management of the nanny (service billed monthly) and look for short-term emergency solutions.

Rock my baby: a nanny placement agency where you are the employer.

Emergency or occasional childcare

Chaperon Rouge (Geneva Red Cross): childcare in your home for a limited period (emergency, sick child).

Halte-jeux: occasional childcare (max. 3 hours, max. 3 times a week) for residents of the City of Geneva.

Garderie Tom Pouce (at the hospital): Childcare at the hospital during your medical examination or if you need to visit a relative in hospital.

Baby sitting (web sites mainly in French only)

Babysitting by student midwives:

Babysitters trained by the Red Cross: (you must become a member CHF 50 / year).

Babysitters trained by the Red Cross for Bernex and surrounding municipalities:

Babysitters trained by the Red Cross for Versoix, Collex-Bossy, Genthod, Bellevue, Pregny Chambésy and Le Grand-Saconnex municipalities :

Au Pair 

Pro Filia:  

The International Au Pair Association:


Laws and regulations: (website in French only)

Useful links

Companies managing the salaries and social charges of the staff you employ :

Chèque Service (web site in English!)

Quitt (web site in English!)

Flyer with addresses for families with young children : Download the publication (in French)

Au pair and nannies Facebook page:

Geneva association of private schools

Information websites :