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Mission – presentation

The Dual Career programme was created in 2011 as part of the Welcome Center, which brings together three institutions in Geneva: the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the Geneva University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES//SO Genève) and the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG).

The aim of this programme is to support, inform and advise the life partners of new employees (from doctorate level for the UNIGE, executives for HUG, academic staff for the HES//SO) arriving from another canton or from abroad, in their socio-professional integration in Geneva. This service is offered on a non-mandatory basis but is strongly recommended to help newcomers find employment in Geneva.

This support takes various forms:

  • Individual coaching session on professional integration (face-to-face or by zoom)
  • Evaluation and analysis of opportunities for personal and professional integration, including possible career changes or professional development, further training, etc.
  • Support in the process of diploma recognition in Switzerland
  • Support with administrative procedures (transfer of unemployment rights, work permits)
  • Information and advice on taking French courses tailored to your needs
  • Adaptation of cover letters and CVs to the Swiss job market
  • Preparing a “elevator” pitch
  • Preparing for recruitment interviews
  • Workshops on job search topics (face-to-face or by zoom)
  • Information on the job market in the Lake Geneva
  • Access to the IDCN (International Dual Career Network) and S-ADCN (Swiss Academic Dual Career Network)
  • Get in touch with professionals to build a relevant network
  • Access to the Welcome Center‘s LinkedIn page and articles and information on social networks
  • Support and advice in finding childcare solutions

For academic careers:

  • Information on sources of funding and contacts with key people (Research Support Service, BNF, etc.)
  • Circulation of CVs (with the permission of the person concerned) within the S-ADCN network.

For careers in the medical field: orientation interview with the Welcome Centre directors, all of whom have a medical background and have worked at a hospital or university in Geneva.