Partner networks
IDCN (International Dual Career Network)
IDCN was launched locally in the Lake Geneva region in 2011 by Nestlé, Philip Morris International, Ernst & Young and the Vaud Chamber of Commerce (CVCI). It is an association of international organisations and companies (a global association of not-for-profit businesses, NGOs and educational institutions) that facilitates the integration of employees’ mobile partners.
IDCN offers a network of connections throughout the region, the opportunity to meet recruiters from many of Geneva’s multinationals and institutions, workshops, training courses and events to help you develop your network.
CAGI : Centre d’accueil de la Genève Internationale
Their programme of social and cultural activities for newcomers and their families offers a range of conferences, visits and excursions in and around Geneva.
Registration, which is valid for one non-renewable year, is free but participation in certain activities may require a modest financial contribution.
REGISTRATION (in French only) to be returned directly to
JOB OFFERS / sign up for the weekly digest every Tuesday to receive the week’s job offers.
S-ADCN Swiss Academic Dual Career Network
The Swiss Academic Dual Career Network (S-ADCN) supports cooperation and networking between member institutions, with the aim of creating attractive career framework conditions for dual career couples (DCC) in Swiss universities and research.