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Relocation service in the Geneva region for HUG management staff and UNIGE and HES-SO academic staff. Socio-professional integration of their life partners.

For individual support register here


Zoom Conferences

IMPORTANT: Zoom conferences are reserved exclusively for Welcome Center customers. If this is not your case, please do not register.

Searching for accommodation: Monday 1st of July. Please contact us for more information.

If there is no registration link on this page yet, please contact us to register to the workshop(s) at .

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IMPORTANT: Workshops are reserved exclusively for Dual Career customers. If this is not your case, please do not register.

Next workshop :

Workshops will be back in September

If there is no registration link on this page yet, please contact us to register to the workshop(s) at .

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IMPORTANT: “Café-croissants” are reserved exclusively for Dual Career customers. If this is not your case, please do not register.

For more info about registering, please contact the Dual Career Programme (

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Activity report

Welcome Center in numbers

300+ +300 relocation files processed in 2022
160 accommodations found with the support of the Welcome Center in 2022
17 dual career files processed in 2022
90% satisfaction